Hello there.
To those who know me, Hi, I will be opting for my online presence.
Im Contonium.
I am currently working towards becoming a full stack developer.
This website is a part of that, and ovecr time I will likely fill this up with information surrounding my,
Many, different Projects.

If you didnt know, I enjoy reading books (My favourite Arthor is Raymond E Fiest)
, I enjoy collecting, Mainly coins, but also the odd bit here and there.
I also really enjoy travelling.
Me and a friend have been getting into a little bit of
Hobby rockets
Oh and I have ADD (ADHD but not hyperactive.)
However you know me, You likely know that Im always willing to help.
Just give me a yell and I'll get around
Most likely.

Anywho, Im a bit of a historian.
And I believe that society is a very, very fluctational thing.
like someone took water, put it into a beaker, and put it into a microwave that runs inside a freezer.
Always on the move.

If you ever need me just. Ask. Ill be around somewhere.